
Welcome to the South Norfolk School Sport Partnership Website!!

South Norfolk School Sport Partnership (SSP) is coordinated by the School Games Organiser at Framingham Earl High School. Framingham Earl High School is part of the Sapientia Education Trust.

The SSP works with 64 Primary and Secondary schools across South Norfolk to develop PE, school sport and physical activity opportunities for young people.

The South Norfolk School Sport Partnership School Games is part of the national School Games which is a government programme designed to inspire young people to be physically active for life through positive experiences of daily activity and competition. The School Games is funded by Sport England and is FREE for all school to take part in.

The School Games has become a powerful movement for change in PE, school sport and physical activity. It removes barriers and improves access for all young people to represent their school and be part of the School Games.

To get involved or find out further information contact:

Laura Goodswen (School Games Organiser, South Norfolk SSP

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Latest News

  • Tri Golf Festival

    Tri Golf Festival

    Released: 21st May 2024

    Bungay Golf Club hosted our Tri-golf festival on Monday 20th May; the event was supported by Chris Potter (golf professional) and sports leaders from Diss High School.

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  • Mini Tennis Serves up a lot of fun!

    Mini Tennis Serves up a lot of fun!

    Released: 14th May 2024

    The South Norfolk School Sports Partnership has recently hosted the Compete Mini Tennis event. Groups of year 3-4 children from Poringland Primary, Trowse Primary, Stoke Holy…

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  • Year 3-4 Rugby Festival

    Year 3-4 Rugby Festival

    Released: 9th May 2024

    Wymondham Rugby Club recently played host to the South Norfolk School Sport Partnership Year 3-4 Rugby skills session. The event was split into a morning session and afternoon…

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  • 2024 KS1 Cricket Festival

    2024 KS1 Cricket Festival

    Released: 2nd May 2024

    Thursday 2nd May saw 14 schools and 300 pupils take part in our KS1 Cricket Festival at Hethersett and Tas Valley Cricket Club.

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  • Bee Netball 2024

    Bee Netball 2024

    Released: 25th April 2024

    On Thursday 24th April, pupils from across South Norfolk took part in our annual Year 4-6 Bee Netball Competition at the UEA, Sportspark.

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